Recycled Fashion


Clothes made from recycled materials ♻️ Green and Environnemental Fashion Brand 💚 Eco Crafted Products 🤍... 

I want to use my own material

Contact us if you would like a Creation in a sentimental fabric of yours. Even if this fabric is not big enough we will make up the difference needed. We can also incorporate objects.
#reuse #reduce #recycled


The coat-mattress is our efforts towards the community. 🤍 We are currently working on the development of the prototype wich is also made from recycled materials. ♻️ If you work in a social field and would love to share your opinion do not hesitate to contact us. If you would like to give to the cause follow this link: GoFundMe.

Donate now
  • Thanks 🤝

    I would like to thank (among others) the organizations and individuals belonging to the following entities for their assistance in the development and growth of BAAM: Entreprendre Sherbrooke, La Ruche Estrie and the donors, Mon commerce en ligne, Parcours FAIR.E from the École des entrepreuneurs du Québec, and Desjardins Affaires.

  • The Future 🤍

    I would love to think that I can make a difference regarding our unrealistic consumption habits. Let's remember that if each of us makes small changes it will result in a big difference. So above all a special thank to you personnaly. 🌎


Ecofriendly and Local

You could use yous own fabric! 💙 Let us know if you have a fabric or material that you would like to use to create a garment or coat. #recycled #upcycled

Contact us



Regardless of the materials we use, we focus on inclusive clothing for all body types. 💚 That's why our shirts, pants and shorts are one size fits all.

The Mission

The Workshop

You can rent the Workshop on Fridays and Weekends. We provide you with multiple sewing machines, big tables, an iron, a steamer and more. Possibility of using the space for temporary storage. Located in Sherbrooke in the beautiful Eastern Townships of Qu←bec.

Repairs 🧵

We offer a repair service for items and clothing that you would like to keep alive.